Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday Thingers: Non-Shared books

Today's Tuesday Thingers question, hosted by Marie, a.k.a. The Boston Bibliophile, is Do you have any unique books in your library- books only you have on LT? How many? Did you find cataloging information on your unique books, or did you hand-enter them? Do they fall into a particular category or categories, or are they a mix of different things? Have you ever looked at the "You and none other" feature on your statistics page, which shows books owned by only you and one other user? Ever made an LT friend by seeing what you share with only one other user?

I had talked about The Bone Weaver last week. My next 'least shared' book is A Fall Together by Jennifer O'Neill. I have this marked as 2 stars. It's the start of a series of Christian women and I didn't go on to read any more. So apparently I didn't really care for it. However, I am reading about it on Amazon and it sounds good, has received 5 stars from other reviewers there. Hmm...maybe I should try the second in the series and see if I'll like it now.

I don't have any books that are unique to just me on my library. I'm thinking that's cause I mostly get my books from the library and since the library usually only buys books that others have read or want to read. And I don't even have any that I share with just one person. Will be interesting to see if that changes in a year or so as I do more searching online and via blogs for books to read.

Be sure to check out the 'not popular' books in other libraries via the post and comments at The Boston Bibliophile.


Marie Cloutier said...

thanks for linking back to my blog :-)
good luck searching out the obscure and unusual! :-)

Anonymous said...

Do you know I had no idea this feature was even available? Each Tuesday I seem to learn something new. :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with retrying that series. I've never really changed my mind when I've restarted a series :) But hey, it could happen.