LibraryThing authors. Who are your LibraryThing authors? What books of theirs do you have? Do you ever comment on an author's LT page? Have you received any comments from an author on your LT account?
First - yes, I realize it's Thursday and not Tuesday. But I'm behind, you've missed me, I've missed me and I want to answer this question!

It took me forever to figure out where to find the answer to this question! You'd think I would know more about my Library Thing account as much as I am in there. But there are so many cool features that are automatic that I can't keep up! (Okay, that sounded like a plug for LT and I suppose it could be - if you don't have a library there, you are missing out!).
So, I finally found my list of LT authors on my profile page. They are (with what I've read and their reviews):
Randy Alcorn, author of Deadline and Dominion
Meg Waite Clayton, author of The Wednesday Sisters
Sandra Kring, author of The Book of Bright Ideas (read in 2007 and gave 4.5 stars)
Michelle Richmond, author of Year of Fog and No One You Know
Marisa de los Santos, author of Love Walked In
Michael Simon, author of Body Scissors.
I have not ever commented on their library thing pages as it never occured to me before! LOL I've participated in some of the author chats - Michelle Richmond and Meg Waite Clayton. I have not received any comments from authors on my LT page, but that's okay as I have gotten comments here.
Great question this week! Click here to see everyone else's comments.
I have fun with the author interaction stuff too. It's a neat feature of LT :-)
I only have 2 authors, but one of them commented on my page today!
Yes...I totally understand about running behind. I am doing that now.
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