Who knew I had so much to say that I could blog at least 100 times and still have more to go???? LOL
Getting my house ready to move - de-cluttering, purging, cleaning, packing, painting, more cleaning, moving things to storage, staging of my rooms (um, doesn't look like my house anymore!), more painting (Keep your Hands OFF the walls!), with school starting, laundry, meals (yes, I said we are having meat...you'll just complain if I tell you what kind...so it's just meat and you'll eat it!), homework, and more cleaning has just knocked me on my butt! I am exhausted!
I have been able to read some over the last few weeks but have definitely not had time to review them, blog them, or, heck, even add them to my library thing! It's been killing me! I've finished and need to review Back on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber and Sail by James Patterson. I am working on Matters of Faith by Kristy Kiernan.
But! The house is now listed. The kids are in a routine for school (which includes keeping things clean - hopefully this will continue for the next house...BWAHAHA...yeah, I am dreaming). My husband had his last day at the old job yesterday. New job starts on Tuesday. We are going suburb/neighborhood shopping/hunting this weekend. So the house is clean and ready to show (where are those buyers...c'mon, you know this is a GREAT weekend to buy a house!).
My goal is to get back to blogging and visiting other blogs. I dare not share how many new posts are in my Google Reader. It's shameful! But I look forward to catching up and seeing what else is out there!
I do know I need to post about the Book Blogger Appreciation Week. Amy is collecting nominations for the Blogger Awards. Be thinking of what I should be nominated for (there is not a slacker award - so be more creative please!) and who else you'd like to nominate. I will be posting the list of awards over the weekend. Anyone can send in nominations, so make sure you do!
Have a good weekend. Enjoy this last long weekend of the summer! Make sure you spend some time with your family and your books! Doesn't matter to me whether that's at the same time or not! LOL
Yeah for you making 100! :)
Wow, you've had a busy time ... getting a house ready for market is no fun (but it is satisfying to purge/organize, isn't it?) Good luck with the marketing/selling of your house!
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