Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday Thingers: Friends

From The Boston Bibliophile - Today's question: LT and RL (real life)- do you have friends in real life that you met through LibraryThing? Have you attended any LT meet-ups in your area? Would you be open to attending meet-ups or is LT strictly an online thing for you?

I don't think I've gotten any new friends directly from Library Things recommendations and such. BUT! Reading and posting in the Early Reviewers Group inspired me to start this blog and I've gotten lots of new blog friends! Some of my new friends are also LTers but not all. I've so enjoyed this expanding of my circle of friends, it's another reason I love LT!

Have I not yet met up with any LTers that I did not know before. Some of my friends here are now LTers based on my recommendation, so I do meet up with them. :-) I have met up with other online friends multiple times, so would be excited to meet up with other book lovers!

Have you met up with other Library Thing members or online book lovers?

Check out other answers to today's question here.


Lenore Appelhans said...

LTers no but book lovers yes. Lots of weirdos too :)

bermudaonion said...

I've never met anyone in person that I met online first.

Michele said...

Lenore - LOL on the weirdos!!!! Yes, lots of them. Hopefully I'm not one of them. LOL

Bermuda - I've met up with folks that have kids the same age as my son. We've 'known' each other online since we were pregnant and I've been across the country meeting some of them. It's been fun!

Anonymous said...

I've never met an online friend in real life, but Facebook is the only other networking site I use besides LT, and I know all of my Facebook friends in real life. I'd be kind of hesitant to meet online friends, except that with LTers, you know there's a good topic of conversation to fall back on.

Lisa said...

I love meeting my online friends! I work on the assumption that since I am online and I am not an axe murderer, there are probably other non-axe-murdering types out there.

I would love to arrange a big LT F2F, maybe at a book fair or some other event. I also travel a lot on business and it's a running joke with my co-workers that everywhere we go, I have "friends" to take me out for drinks.

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

I have met some online friends in person, but not from LT, although it was after talking online for sometime first.

Anonymous said...

I'm not in a book club. The only one I know of is with Newcomers and I've heard it's gotten so large, they're having trouble finding a place to meet. If I joined one, I would want it to be small. Maybe I should start one.

jlshall said...

I've recommended LT to several people, but so far only one has joined up. Guess they're just not as book-crazed as I am. But then, who is? Like you, I've "met" a lot of nice people online, through my blog as well as through LT.

Kathleen Gilligan said...

I've never met anyone that I met online first... but maybe sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

Nope - but I have a writer I reviewed for who wants to treat me to lunch. I am really not a meeting-in-person sort of person...lol!

Anonymous said...

Only one RL friend has joined LT, and I think that was half-heartedly. I have a lot of RL friends who are readers, just not into the organizational aspect.

I haven't met anyone from LT in person, but I'm not opposed to it (just busy)