I've finished two books - Cold Blooded by Lisa Jackson and Fantasy in Death by JD Robb. Both books were very good! Expect their reviews soon. They are both mystery/thrillers with a little bit of hot, steamy...uh, romance included. Why do some of the mystery books have to have some 'romance' included? Why does it have to be so detailed? Any why do I just basically skip over those pages? The things that make me go hmmmm...
I have started a different genre of book - Secrets of Eden by Chris Bohjalian. I meant to use this as my Tuesday Teaser but since it's now Thursday..I guess I'll pass. It's starting out a little bit disjointed but I hope it will start making more sense soon. I read his Midwives in 2008 but not any others. Have you read any of his? What about this new one? Will I like it?
I am looking to get involved in some literacy volunteering in the area. I'm just starting the process but figure this is a great area for me to volunteer given my love for reading. Do any of you do this? What can I expect? I'd also like the kids to start volunteering somewhere but having trouble finding good choices for them. But we'll get there. Among all their other activities, of course!
Look soon for a new give away! I think it will be a good one.
I love going to the book store and being where other book lovers are. Since I have gotten back into blogging, all I've done is read about the BEA convention in NY in May. I am dying to go. Lots of my favorite authors will be there - Adriana Trigiani and Caroline Leavitt just to name two. And just think of all those other future potential favorites that I could fall in love with while there. And to top it off, I could meet some of my favorite book bloggers too. Cause they will be there, of course! I need a lottery winner to feel they need to sponsor me to go. Anyone interested?
Okay, I think I'm done rambling now. What are you reading? Why do you like it? Talk to me!