Having never been to anything like this before I had no idea what would happen. My sister went with me. Since we were clueless, we got there about an hour ahead in case there was an issue with seating - we wanted to be close to the front. When we got there, about 10 folks were already there. We sat in the third row right in the middle.
Side note: these seats had to be the smallest auditorium/theater seats I have ever sat in. Everyone who came in after us commented on them. Combine that with the fact that neither my sister nor I are the smallest women, a potential full house, and it wasn't all that comfy to sit there, especially the early parts. But enough of that.

She commented once that it felt like we could have all been in a living room and just sitting around chatting. And I agree, that's exactly what it felt like. She would start telling a story, digress one or two or three times (just like a normal conversation among friends) and then come back around to finishing her story.
She took questions too and that led to more stories. One of my favorite comments of the evening had nothing to do with her books. A lady was asking a question and said she was there with her entire book club. Adriana asked if they had a name and the lady said no. Adriana then said that if they or anyone else decided to give their book club a name, be sure not to use The Book Bags.

After she was done talking (because she was told to be done, not that she was actually done), we all stood in line to get her to sign our books. The line moved slowly because she talked to every single person. We had a bit of excitement with the long line - one woman got dizzy and the squad was called. But after about 2 hours, we finally got up to meet her, get our books signed and get a photo. I even gave her my blog address!
The photo disappoints me. I made a rookie photographer mistake and that just burns me. I didn't bring 'my' camera because I thought it would be too bulky so just brought the 'little' camera. I had changed the ISO setting during her talk to try to get a picture of her behind the podium (was not happy with those pictures) and forgot to turn it back in line (hello..in 2 hours I could not remember this?). So when I turned the flash back on to take the picture of the three of us, we had way too much light. I tried to fix it, but this is the best I could do.
Guess I'll just have to go to another event with her to get a better picture! Oh, darn. LOL
As soon as I finish the book I am reading now, I am going to read Brava, Valentine. The folks there that had already read it loved it and I can't wait!

I am so incredibly jealous! I just love her!
That sounds like a fabulous way to spend an evening! I love Adriana and her books!
I wish I could have gone! Sounds like you had a great time, and the pictures is actually nice. :)
What a fun evening for you and your sister! And a LONG evening, between getting there early (I bet you were pleased to get those front and center - if tiny! - seats), to staying for the signing (well worth it, color me green with envy!)
Julie P - I'm jealous that you will get to see her again at BEA!
Kathy - It was a great way to spend the evening.
Julie - Thanks!!!
Dawn - Yes, was very long. We had talked about dinner after but obviously that didn't happen. I did read Very Valentine and even blogged about it! Apparently it was before the 'time off' I took. LOL
I would have loved to be there. If it was a weekend, I could have driven down to Columbus as I live outside of Cleveland. Thanks for sharing what a great evening you had with Adriana. I love her books and am reading Brava, Valentine now.
I'm SO glad to see you back posting on your blog. I missed your posts.
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