Monday, December 22, 2008

Book Expo Convention or What?

A few months ago a bunch of bloggers went to a book expo/convention thing. I read all about the fun they had. I read about the authors they met. I read about all the other bloggers they met.

My friend Julie also read all about it.

She suggested we try to attend next year! What fun would that be! So! Where's the info? Who went? Where did you go? (Cause of course I can't find any of the info now when I am looking for it!) Did you like it? Where did you stay? Going again next year? Wanna join us?


Julie said...

Hmmm, no comments on this one. We will have to dig up the info ourselves!

Julie said...

Michele - is it this?

and this

Michele said...

Yep, that's it! We gotta go!