Thursday, January 8, 2009


As I've discussed before, LOLAs is my book club. We've been a book club for over seven years of which only missed the first few months. I've laughed, learned and cried with these ladies. And I am going to miss them terribly.

We had our monthly meeting last night. The book discussed was The Lace Reader. I was a bit late (basketball game for my girl) so missed most of the book discussion. Sounds like the reviews were mixed. I'll let them comment here if they want to clarify.

What I want to share is how GOOD they were to me last night. As I said, I was running late - ended up being about an hour and a half late! But as I knew they'd still be chatting and eating, I went anyway. Especially because I wanted to give them all hugs and say good-bye. We'll be in Ohio by the next meeting.

They gave me an awesome going-away present! It's an ink drawing of our library. And it's beautiful!

For those who don't know, Columbus, IN is known around the world for the architecture here. I, personally, don't know diddly squat about architecture, but I know that tons of people have heard of our little city because of it. And it is fun to look at. I just don't understand it. But I digress.

Here's our library:

Isn't it cool? I am already trying to decide where to put it in the new house. Near the wall bookshelves in the family room? Above the couch in the living room? Very fun to figure out!

I neglected to take my camera into LOLAs but our hostess for the evening took a picture of all of us. We were only missing one, but I'll pencil her in the picture later. :-) When I get the picture, I'll add it in here.

Thanks so much ladies for being such wonderful friends over the years. I have enjoyed talking about books, kids, jobs, food, husbands and many other things with you. I will definitely miss you. I will look for a book club at my new house but it will be hard to match up to LOLAs.


Bonnie said...

Michele, How nice of your LOLA's to give you such a special and memorable gift!! It sounds like you have a really special group.

I wanted to let you know that I have given you an award so make sure to check out my blog post for today.

Anonymous said...

I know you're going to miss that fine bunch. I'm sure you'll find another group, though.

Shana said...

Wow - what a completely awesome gift, Michele. I love the drawing and your library looks really cool. I don't know anything about architecture either, but it looks like a great, modern structure!


Jo-Jo said...

What a nice picture. It sounds like you have had such a wonderful book club--I can't imagine if I had to leave my group--so my heart goes out to you!

Marie Cloutier said...

what a wonderful gift from such good friends! :-)