I feel like I'm finally becoming me again. Is that weird?
About a year ago my husband started a new job in a different state. However our house didn't sell until January. So for four months we lived apart during the week and I was sort of a single mom. Yet I was still able to blog, scrapbook, work, take pictures, and keep up with everything (okay ...
most everything).
When we moved at the beginning of February, it was three hours away. I moved to a town where we knew no one. I did move within a half hour of my sister with her cute little boys. I was blessed to be able to continue to work my old job remotely from my home. I love my new house. My kids settled well into school. Being the social creatures they are, they made friends very quickly. Sports starting in the spring and the busyness was renewed.
But I wasn't reading, blogging, taking pictures or scrapbooking. My house was a wreck. I wasn't really me. (well the house being a mess is probably the real 'me' LOL)
I blame it on...
- Depression - clearly I went through a depression. Knew it, wasn't any option but to go through it. Also gained a few pounds. What's up with that? I mean, I was already depressed... did I need to do something to further that issue? LOL
- Facebook - I had just joined facebook last fall and got thoroughly addicted. It seemed like such a great way to keep in touch with my wonderful friends that I left and to meet up with friends I haven't seen in almost a lifetime. However, do you know how easy it is to spend hours on facebook without really anything to show for it? And when you are supposed to be working from home and your work computer is on the same desk as your home computer.... it's quite easy to do both. Or to pretend to do both. And it was just so much easier to think of short statuses than entire blog posts. Too much effort was needed to blog. Plus, I needed to be reading to blog about reading.
- Not knowing anyone.
- The library - this sounds odd doesn't it? But my new library does not work well with my swiss cheese memory. When I put books on hold and they come in, it sends one email. One. And I only have three days from the time of that email to pick up the books. I'm sure that's a reasonable time for normal people, but I can never seem to get there to get the books. I either need a longer time or more reminders. But they aren't asking me for ideas. So, having no books to read just contributed to the no reading.
I'm not sure why or how, but I am reading again. I've been focusing on my favorite genre of serial killers and murder mysteries but am getting the itch to read a good women's friendship book. Getting an itch to read is good.
I have people to talk to - at the soccer and volleyball games, I have people who actually choose to sit by me. And they talk to me. On purpose. I'm being funny but have been working very hard to not become stalker lady and scare away potential friends. We've been getting together with the sister and her family. We even invited one of hubby's high school and college friend over along with her family and had a great time.
I'm still addicted to Facebook and don't see that changing any time soon. LOL
So, what did I miss during my hiatus? What good books are out there that I need to put on my tbr list? Any changes to the book blogging arena that I need to know about? Any new blogs? Talk to me!