Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday Thingers: LT Authors

Over the holidays, Marie, The Boston Bibliophile, stepped down as host of the Tuesday Thingers weekly question and handed the baton over to Wendi of Wendi's Book Corner. Wendi started last week with a question on the different areas of LT that we were familiar with. I missed that question while traveling but basically I only use my home page and my library. And sometimes the groups.

Here's today's question from Wendi: Last week, I asked about your favorite areas of Library Thing, some that you were familiar with, some that you were curious about, and some that you had never really looked at. It was great to look at all the different areas, and I even learned that sometimes it pays to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page . . . I learned that there were links that I had completely missed! Yikes!

One person mentioned that they wanted to learn more about LibraryThing Author. I happened to stumble upon this great page within the site that has some great information on it about LT Authors, becoming a LT Author, and how readers can use the section to learn about their favorite authors, the books they read and what inspires them.

Did you know that there are 1497 authors participating in LT Authors? If you haven't checked it out, head over for a moment and see if you can find out something new about an author! If you don't have time to go snooping, have you ever looked at the LT Author page before? Did you know that it is for authors and readers alike? Have you ever looked up a favorite or new author on LT to see what they read and if they have left any comments or reviews themselves? Have you ever told an author about LT Authors and encouraged them to check the site out?

I have never looked at the LT Author page but have been thinking I'd like to explore that area soon. Maybe after the move and things settle down. I'd like to get to know more authors and explore the work that they do, how they come up with ideas, their writing process, etc.

It would be interesting to see how diverse their reading is too - do they read books like what they write or never read those types of books? How do they keep from 're-using' an idea or concept they read in another book? I am meaning sub-consciously. I find all that fascinating and am looking forward to exploring it.

Thanks for the great question Wendi! And thanks for taking this on.

Let me know your thoughts on LT Authors or other authors ways of doing things. And if you want to see more answers to the Tuesday Thinger question, pop over to Wendi's Book Corner!


Anonymous said...

It's hard to find the time to explore all the fun stuff on line isn't it, but peeking into author's libraries is just too much fun to pass up.

Wendi said...

Wow - you've got some great questions here! I've wondered some myself. :)

One of the authors I looked at had read some books that sounded similar to the one she wrote. It was interesting to see where she may have gotten some of her inspiration from!

Thanks for participating in Tuesday Thingers this week Michele!

Have a wonderful week ~ Wendi